Day :
- Nursing Education
Session Introduction
Rehem Bakri
Head of the Nursing Department at Primary Health Care Centers in the Sudanese Ministry of Health
Title: identifying components of infection prevention control services throughout sudan nurses primary health care and explored local priorities, provided indicators of successes and how they were measured, and highlighted facilitators and barriers to success of an optimal service during pandemic covid 19 in 2020
Time : 13:35-14:00

Nursing specialist with strong practical experience in primary health care. professional with more than six years of practice in nursing and triage management, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Strong medical and pharmacological standards of care in the hospital or in the place of practice interested in development and innovation. Teaching Lecturer and Clinical Trainer in Adult medical Surgical Nursing. I worked in a profession for three years between a lecturer and head of the Department. Information using innovative mechanisms, including modern methods, even those that emerged after the Covid 19 pandemic
The problem statement: Sudan Nurses working in primary health care during the Covid-19 pandemic and how they experienced modern infection prevention control (IPC) obstacles, facilitators, local priorities, success factors and the outcome. My research has reported that nurses with these experiences perspective have not been previously studied. PREVIOUS STUDY the purpose of this study is to describe the experience and finding among the (PHC NURSE) and way of application of (IPC) during COVID 19
Mary Anbarasi Johnson
Paediatric nursing department, CMC, Vellore, India.
Title: competency based education versus outcome based education
Time : 14:00-14:25

I am Mary Anbarasi Johnson working as a professor and Head in paediatric nursing department, CMC, Vellore. I worked for 3 years as Ass.Professor in USA as well as Assist Director of nursing, in Saudi Arabia. I am very much interested in reviewing articles. I have published in 70 national, international journals and presented in around 30 national and international conferences. I have also contributed for 4 book chapters and is working on publishing a book soon. I have served in CMC Vellore as Institutional research board member for a term of 4 years. I am reviewer or editorial member or advisory member in around 40 international journals Kindly find my photo attached.
Competency based education will achieve competencies required in the performance of their jobs.It will build confidence as they succed in mastering specific competencies.Training time is used more efficiently and effectively as the trainer is a facilitator.More training time is devoted to working with participant individually or in small group as opposed to presenting lectures.More training time is devoted to evaluating each participant ability to perform essential job skills.It enables focussing learning on the critical competencies needed for success in the job and organisation.It Provides standard for measuring employee performance and capabilities.It Provides the framework for identify learning options/curriculum/programs to meet employee and organisation needs.It supports effective forecasting of organisation as well as project-related learning requirement.It provides standards for determining how well learning has occurred both at the individual and organisational level.Contrary to that the out come based educations is that it Outcome-based education is a method of teaching that focused on what students can actually do after they are taught. Outcome- based education(OBE) is a student-centered learning philosophy. The desire outcome is selected first and the curriculum instructionals materials and assessment are created to support the intended outcome(Spady 1988,1933). All curriculum and teaching decision are made based on how best to facilitate the desired final outcome.In the present days various educational modes are available.Nursing faculty need to use various approaches and modes of teaching methods to stimulate the learners interest
Juliana Agubokwu
Bowie State, USA
Title: an innovative strategy for students engagement in nursing education smartphone use in active teaching and learning
Time : 14:50-15:15

Dr. Juliana Agubokwu is an Assistant Professor and lead faculty of Community Health Nursing at Bowie State University, Maryland USA. She has over 2 decades experience as a Registered nurse in various nursing specialties. Her research interests include innovative teaching strategies for student’s engagement, retention and mentorship. Dr. Agubokwu has conducted research on Hepatitis B and C. She has wealth of experience and great passion for care of people in the community especially the vulnerable population. She has received several awards including a Presidential Volunteer Service Award.
The rigor in nursing education makes it imperative for nursing faculty to continuously innovate strategies to engage the students. However, attrition continues in nursing education despite the use of traditional strategies, active learning strategies, and technologies in a didactic face-to-face learning environment. To explore the perceptions of undergraduate nursing students regarding the combined use of active learning strategies and technology, precisely, smart phones in a didactic face –to-face teaching/learning environment. The study also explored effective ways of using smart phones in a didactic face-to-face learning environment to improve academic engagement and reduce the level of attrition in nursing education. A qualitative study of undergraduate nursing students at different levels, using semi-structure interview and manual data analysis, using the following framework analysis steps; familiarization, identifying a thematic framework, indexing, charting and synthesis, mapping, and interpretation (Nikpeyma, Zolfaghari & Mohammadi, 2021).