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Shankari Ravichandran

Shankari Ravichandran

Columbia University Medical Center, USA


Shankari N.Ravichandran is a Senior Transplant Nurse Practitioner in the Lung Transplant Program at Columbia University Medical Center in New York.  As a senior member of the Transplant  team at Columbia, Mrs. Ravichandran supports the program with her wide cardiothoracic and administrative expertise to be recognized as a Blue Ribbon Center of Excellence Nationally.   She has established an Electronic Medical Record template for the optimization of care for the outpatient post-transplant patients, along with a clinical education and comprehensive clinical support base for clinical transplant nurse mentorship program in New York.  She is a medical advisor and board member of a grass root patient supported philanthropy, “The Lung Transplant Project” which supports on-going research for immune tolerance at Columbia University immunogenetic laboratory.  She received her Masters degree in Nursing with an ANCC credentialed Family Nurse Practitioner from Pace University in New York.  Currently she is in the process of completing her doctorate degree in clinical practice at Columbia University School of Nursing, where she is an associate professor for clinical nursing. 


Abstract : Expressive Aphasia in Lung Transplant Recipient