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World Nursing Education 2025

Welcome Message

On behalf of the Conference Series Ltd, it is our deep pleasure to invite all the Great Scientists, Academicians, Young Researchers, Professors, Doctors, Business Delegates, Nurses, Delegates and Students moreover who are the front line of warriors in this pandemic situation from all over the world to attend the 32nd International Conference on World Nursing Education which will be held October 20-21, 2025 in Barcelona, Spain. The main theme of the conference is "Explore latest Challenges and Innovations and Advancements in Nursing Education"

World Nursing Education 2025 shares an insight into the recent research and cutting edge technologies, which gains immense interest with the colossal and exuberant presence of a Professors, Doctors, and Talented student communities and Primary Health Care  meeting’s goal is to bring together, a multi-disciplinary group of Scientists and Researchers, Professors, Doctors, Nurses from all over the world are invited cordially to present and exchange break-through ideas relating to the and Nursing Care and Primary Health Care promotes top level research and to globalize the quality research in general, thus making discussions, presentations more internationally competitive and focusing attention on the recent outstanding breakthroughs in the field of World Nursing Education 2025 and Primary Health Care and future trends and needs

We’re looking forward to an excellent meeting of all dignitaries from different countries all around the world to share innovative ideas and exciting trends in Nursing Education and Healthcare which will be held on October 20-21, 2025.

Sessions and Tracks

Track 01:  Nursing Education 

The purpose of Nursing Education is to enhance the development of the nursing profession by educated the nurses in their specific area. The explanation for nursing is particularly conducted through implicit knowledge. We examined that the professional improvement of the nursing carrier in Europe requires an intelligible and well-explained nurse aspect. This certain intent of professional education for nursing does not require the total figure of assumed idea. The global development needs the acceptance of an experienced status by involving together. This signifies that the appreciations of the demand for a more clearly expressed  nursing role are incorporated during work experience. This confirms about the urgency and value of role repetition and interactions with an authorized group as part of the educational procedure. This is the unique courses of medical education which contents both theoretical and practical training provided to nurses for the purpose to prepare them as nursing care professionals.

Track 02: Health Care

health system, also sometimes referred to as health care system or healthcare system is the organization of people, institutions, and resources that deliver health care services to meet the health needs of target populations. Healthcare Management is a professional organization within the United Kingdom, for managers in the health and social care sectors. Its membership covers the National Service, independent health and social care providers, health care consultants, and the armed forces. Nursing is a healthcare profession that focuses on the care of individuals and their families to help them recover from illness and maintain optimal health and quality of life. Nurses are distinct from other healthcare providers as they have a wide scope of practice and approach to medical care.

Track 03: Innovations in Nursing Education

It’s a team work for evaluating and encouraging the new generation for the Nursing Education. Now a days United States deals with a widen inadequacy of nurses, directed in case by a waning growth of population and a lack of available places for the schools of nursing across the country. All over the place it concern about the nurse expert shortage is noticeable in the reports of pronounced nursing organizations, similarly in the activities of several state work burden centres. Because of this commitment, it’s necessary to solve the problem related to the shortage of nurse faculty, the aim of this team work to support for such the construction of Evaluating Innovations in Nursing Education (EIN) to fund evaluations of nursing educational interventions

Track 04: Nurse practitioner

Nurse practitioners (NP) are also figured out as Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) who is authorized to give evidence based practice through the investigation and medication morbid condition the patients. In conforming to the International Council of Nurses, an NP/APRN is "a registered nurse who has attired the experienced knowledge base, elaborate decision-making skills and clinical competencies for long termed practice, in which country they are credentialed to practice. Nurse practitioner works with physicians, medical/surgical specialists, pharmacists, physical therapists, social workers, occupational therapists, and other healthcare professionals to get the best conclusions for patient health. In the Europe, depending upon the state in which they work, nurse practitioners may or may not be required to practice under the supervision of a physician.

Track 05: Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing

Psychiatric nursing or mental health nursing is the appointed position of a nurse that specialises in mental health, and cares for people of all ages experiencing mental illnesses or distress. These include: neurodevelopmental disorders, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, mood disorders, addiction, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, psychosis, paranoia, and self-harm. Nurses in this area receive specific training in psychological therapies, building a therapeutic alliance, dealing with challenging behaviour, and the administration of psychiatric medication. There are many factors involved behind experiencing this disorder. Biological factors, life experience such as abuse or trauma, family history having mental health problems. There are more than 200 classified forms of mental illness. Some of the common disorders are bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorder and dementia

Track 06: Surgical Nursing

surgical nurse, also referred to as a theatre nurse or scrub nurse, specializes in perioperative care, providing care to patients before, during and after surgery. To become a theatre nurse, Registered Nurses or Enrolled Nurses must complete extra training. There are different speciality areas that theatre nurses can focus in depending on which areas they are interested in. There are many different phases during surgery where the theatre nurse is needed to support and assist the patient, surgeons, surgical technicians, nurse anaesthetists and nurse practitioners. Pre-operative, the nurse must help to prepare the patient and operating room for the surgery. During the surgery, they assist the anaesthetist and surgeons when they are needed. The last phase is post-operative, enduring that the patients are provided with suitable care and treatments. People who want to become surgical nurses attend nursing school and specialize in surgical nursing. They are often required to pass examinations administered by the government or by nursing certification boards before being allowed to work as nurses, and they may also be expected to attend periodic continuing education classes so that they keep up with developments in the nursing field

Track 07: Cardiovascular Nursing 

Nursing has a place with that works with patients who experience the ill effects of different states of the cardiovascular framework. Cardiovascular medical caretakers or cardiac nurses cure those conditions, for example, unsteady angina, cardiomyopathy, coronary course sickness, congestive heart disappointment, myocardial dead tissue and heart dysrhythmia under the supervision of a cardiologist. Heart medical nurse practitioners have the real work to do in basic circumstance. They are prepared for various practice range, including coronary consideration units (CCU), heart catheterization, serious patient consideration units (ICU), working theatres, cardiovascular recovery focuses, cardiovascular consideration focus clinical exploration, Cardiovascular surgery wards, cardiovascular concentrated consideration units (CVICU), and cardiovascular restorative wards

Track 08: Nursing Infromatics

Nursing informatics (NI) is the Virtue that consolidates nursing science with numerous information administration and diagnostic sciences to classify, illustrate, maintain, and disseminate data, intelligence, awareness, and foresight in nursing practice. Nursing Informatics, guide nurses, users, patients, the unprofessional healthcare organization, and other collaborator in their decision-making in all performance and ambience to gain aimed conclusion. This backing is skilful using intelligence format, intelligence development, and intelligence automation. Nursing informatics refers to the practice and science of integrating nursing information and knowledge with technology to manage and integrate health information. The goal of nursing informatics is to improve the health of people and communities while reducing costs.

Track 09: Gastrointestinal Nursing 

Gastroenterology (gastrointestinal or GI) nurse is an RN who specializes in illnesses and disorders related to the entire GI tract. GI nurses also assist physicians with procedures, education, and treatments. Some of the disorders they are familiar with are: Constipation, Acid reflux. Many nurses work as specialist practitioners within several areas of gastrointestinal medicine, including inflammatory bowel disease, stoma care, nutrition, and endoscopy and counselling. There has been a steady increase in nurse-led services and gastrointestinal nursing is an expanding area. This comprehensive text lays the foundation by reviewing the anatomy and physiology underlying common conditions before covering the pathophysiology of clinical features, causes, investigation and management. Underlying this approach will be the specific nursing aspects of caring for patients with gastrointestinal conditions, covering psychosocial factors and issues such as the measurement of health related quality of life

Track 10: Dental Nursing

The role of a dental nurse is to work alongside and assist dentists, therapists and hygienists in the care of patients. It is a varied job and can include everything from supporting with routine check-ups to advanced specialist treatments. Oral malignancy or mouth tumour is a sort of head and neck disease is any carcinogenic tissue development situated in the oral cavity. It might emerge as an essential injury starting in any of the tissues in the mouth, by metastasis from a far off site of inception, or by expansion from a neighbouring anatomic structure, for example, the nasal pit. On the other hand, the oral malignancies may begin in any of the tissues of the mouth, and might be of fluctuated histologic sorts: Teratoma, adenocarcinoma got from a noteworthy or minor salivary organ, lymphoma from tonsillar or other lymphoid tissue, or melanoma from the colour delivering cells of the oral mucosa

Track 11: Nursing Management

Nursing management consists of the performance of the leadership functions of governance and decision-making within organizations employing nurses. It includes processes common to all management like planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Nurturing teamwork Strong Nurse Management helps to encourage Nurses to work as units. For Nurses to be successful, they need to have great interpersonal skills. They must be good at communicating with patients, their families, and other members of the staff.

Track 12: Cancer and Tumor Nursing 

Clinical ramifications and growth nursing in view of the rates of torment and different indications archived in the writing, changes in clinical practice are expected to lessen the side effect weight of occupants with tumour. In any case, proof-based practice norms have yet to be characterized for the populace of inhabitants with disease. Essential consideration and malignancy nursing is a consideration conveyance framework that backings proficient nursing rehearse. Inside Primary Nursing, a restorative relationship is set up between an enrolled medical attendant and an individual patient and his or her family. An oncology nurse is a specialized nurse who cares for cancer patients. These nurses require advanced certifications and clinical experiences in oncology further than the typical baccalaureate nursing program provides. Oncology nursing care can defined as meeting the various needs of oncology patients during the time of their disease including appropriate screenings and other preventive practices, symptom management, care to retain as much normal functioning as possible, and supportive measures upon end of life

Track 13: Paediatric Nursing 

Paediatric nursing is the science of child care and scientific treatment of childhood. This branch of medical science deals with the care of children from conception to adolescence in health care nursing. Adolescence overweight and obesity is a situation where high amount of body fat negatively affects a child's health or life style. As methods to figure out body fat directly are difficult, the treatment of obesity is often based on BMI. Due to the increasing preponderance of obesity in children and its many adverse effects on health it is being marked as a major public health concern. Health issues with adolescence and youth is the circle of approaches to consulting, preventing, diagnosing or treating young people’s health. The term adolescent and young people are often used conversely, as are the words Adolescent Health and Youth Health

Track 14: Women's Health Nursing

Ladies have swung to maternity specialists for backing and help with labour. Today's confirmed attendant maternity specialists keep on providing this individual consideration, which speaks to an extension between customary birth practices and current innovation. Gynaecologic malignancies and women health nursing services is a specific field of prescription that spotlights on diseases of the female regenerative framework, including ovarian tumour, uterine growth, vaginal tumour, cervical growth, and vulvar malignancy. As pros, they have broad preparing in the finding and treatment of these tumours.

Track 15: Clinical Nursing

clinical nurse specialist (CNS) is an advanced practice nurse who can provide advice related to specific conditions or treatment pathways. According to the International Council of Nurses (ICN), an Advanced Practice Nurse is a registered nurse who has acquired the expert knowledge base, complex decision-making skills and clinical competencies for expanded practice, the characteristics of which are shaped by the context and/or country in which s/he is credentialed to practice. Clinical Nurse Specialists are registered nurses, who have graduate level nursing preparation at the master's or doctoral level as a CNS. They are clinical experts in evidence-based nursing practice within a specialty area, treating and managing the health concerns of patients and populations. The CNS specialty may be focused on individuals, populations, settings, type of care, type of problem, or diagnostic systems subspecialty. 

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date October 20-21, 2025

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

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Speaker Opportunity

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Health Care : Current Reviews Journal of Nursing & Care Primary Health Care: Open Access

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